
Hvorfor er min kirsebærsauce så god?

Why is my cherry sauce so good?

I've never really cared for cherry sauce. On the other hand, I love 'risalamande' so much that I have always eaten it for breakfast on the 25th of December. The...

Why is my cherry sauce so good?

I've never really cared for cherry sauce. On the other hand, I love 'risalamande' so much that I have always eaten it for breakfast on the 25th of December. The...

Historien bag risalamande og kirsebærsauce

The story behind 'risalamande' and cherry sauce

There are as many versions of 'risalamande' and cherry sauce recipes as there are of Danish meatballs, I think. We all have our own idea of ​​what the "right" version...

The story behind 'risalamande' and cherry sauce

There are as many versions of 'risalamande' and cherry sauce recipes as there are of Danish meatballs, I think. We all have our own idea of ​​what the "right" version...